Pre-Kindergarten Program

Ready Set Move (12 months-36 months)

READY SET MOVE is a creative movement and music class for toddlers and their grownup. The class consists of 3 sections – ENGAGE, EXPLORE AND EXPRESS.

The ENGAGE section is a playful exploration of music, nursery rhymes, lap play and parachute fun.

The EXPLORE section is set up as a circuit around the room with obstacles like stepping stones,tunnels and sensory activities designed to encourage investigation and build coordination skills.

The EXPRESS section of the class involves free dance movement which develops creativity with instruments, feathers and bubbles.

Ready Set Dance (ages 3-5)

READY SET DANCE is a combo class of JAZZ, HIP HOP and a whole lot of fun.  This gender-neutral curriculum is the coolest dance class for the preschooler of today!

Ready Set Ballet (ages 3-5)

READY SET BALLET is a magical experience where preschoolers can explore their creativity. The curriculum is designed with original music that teaches the fundamentals and captures the beauty of classical BALLET.

Ready Set Tap (ages 3-5)

READY SET TAP is an engaging curriculum to introduce preschoolers to the world of tap, rhythm and singing! They will learn the fundamentals of TAP in a playful structured way.

Youth Classes Ages 5+

Beginner Ballet

Little or no experience needed. In this class you will learn the basic fundamentals of ballet. Attention is given to awareness of posture and class etiquette as well as continuing the study of basic ballet vocabulary with a focus to proper coordination and alignment.

Ballet I

1-2 years of previous ballet required. In this class you work through careful alignment and coordination to create a strong ballet foundation. You will study proper placement, coordination and musicality at age appropriate levels. At this level, dancers are encouraged to take 2 or more classes per week.

Ballet II

A few years of previous ballet is required. This class is designed to train dancers at an accelerated pace and is designed to build technical strength and nurture creative expression. A strong emphasis is put on ballet technique. At the younger levels, students compliment their ballet training with other techniques. This class aims to train technically strong artists and those interested in future pre-professional tracks.


In this class, students will cover street style fundamentals, vocabulary, warm-up, technique, and drills.

Musical Theater

Musical Theatre is a jazz-based class filled with Broadway style dancing and music. Classes incorporate the style of dance one would typically see on a Broadway stage. This form of dancing emphasizes learning performance skills such as connecting with the audience and facial expressions.